Stand Up

Last Updated: June 28, 2024By

I often say trans ideology is the hill I’m willing to die on. It is, but not because I give a flying f*ck about a man who wants to w*nk off in a dress – have at it my good man. My issue is with the right to speak the truth, about compelled speech. If I can’t point out that a man in a dress is just a man in a dress, even if he removes his d*ck, then we no longer live in a democracy.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I believe that to my core. We are all created equal. What we do with that equality is also up to us – some of us will use it to achieve great things like buying X so I can write this long winded rant, some of us will end up holding a sign on the street corner. We all have free will. If we reach adulthood we’re allowed to make bad decisions that lead to horrible outcomes.

Watching these videos of London streets filled with pro-Palestine protesters is jaw dropping. The protesters are not just anti jew, they are anti infidel, and guess who’s the infidel? We are.

There’s a scene in the movie Frequency – great movie if you haven’t seen it – It’s a heartwarming story of time travel and bringing people back from the dead wrapped in a murder mystery about a serial killer from the 1960s. The main character figures out who the killer is in present day (early 2000s) and meets up with the killer and says to him – “you’re going down, you don’t know it yet but it’s already happened” or something like that, because he’s figured out how to make a small change in the past – time just has to catch up with the killer.

There’s another scene – in the movie Twister, the drive-in scene where Philip Michael Hoffman yells to Bill Paxton – “it’s coming!!!” – Meaning a massive tornado – Bill Paxton calmly replies “It’s already here”.

I bring up those two scenes because it’s here. Our children have been indoctrinated – many of you will refrain from speaking about certain topics at your holiday dinners because there is no discussion anymore, and you don’t want to be cut off. Our kids believe all of this nonsense – mostly because they don’t understand what is at stake.

We all make jokes about people like Claudine Gay and the ridiculousness of people like Dylan Mulvaney, but all of these things have chipped away at the foundation of this great country and other democracies around the world.

I’m not an historian, I can’t rattle off dates and battles, but I can see the signs, see the patterns, see the numbers. We’re out numbered and each day in most democratic nations the borders are flooded with men who do not believe in free speech.

We have to stand up against this cancer. We have to wake up. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. I don’t have the answer, but I know if we don’t speak up we’ll see another October 7th.

And if you’re on the fence – Hamas raped, tortured, and murdered women and children who were at a concert. They video taped those monstrosities and sent the videos to the parents of those who were murdered. Nothing in history justifies that. Nothing.

This is the hill I will die on, but I have an AARP card, a bad knee, I’m a little pudgy and can’t run that fast. What are we going to do? I don’t want to lose a free and civilized society. Someone tell me I’m wrong, that I should take off my tin foil hat. I so badly want to be wrong.

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